Roads, traffic and verges: big problems and big opportunities for small mammals.

Ascensão, F., LaPoint, S. y van der Ree, R. Roads, traffic and verges: big problems and big opportunities for small mammals. Handbook of Road Ecology. Nueva York: Wiley-Blackwell. 2015, Vol. 39, pags. 325-333. DOI 10.1002/9781118568170.ch39

We consider small mammals as shrews and moles, small marsupials, hedgehogs, mice and rats, and other rodents, rabbits, and hares commonly designated as ‘prey species’(ie, those weighing< 5 kg). For these species, roads typically have negative, often detrimental impacts, but in a few circumstances roads may be beneficial, making road mitigation strategies for this group slightly more complex than for other taxa. For example, roads and traffic typically act as barriers to the movement of individuals, while road verges may provide suitable habitat within otherwise degraded areas. This chapter illustrates the complex relationship between roads and small mammals and suggests possible road management and mitigation solutions. 39.1 Road building may result in complete losses of habitat, territories and individuals. 39.2 Roads may filter small mammal movements and reduce genetic exchange. 39.3 The effect of … Palabras clave: Mammal

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Fecha de creación 17-09-2024
Fecha de última modificación 17-09-2024
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  1. Handbook of Road Ecology. Vol. 39
  2. pags. 325-333
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Nombre del autor Ascensão, F., LaPoint, S. y van der Ree, R.
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