Use of non-wildlife passages across a high speed railway by terrestrial vertebrates.

Rodríguez, A., Crema, G. y Delibes, M. Use of non-wildlife passages across a high speed railway by terrestrial vertebrates. Journal of Applied Ecology. [s.l.]: British Ecological Society. 1996, Vol. 33, pags. 1527-1540. DOI 10.2307/2404791

Wild ungulates (Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Sus scrofa) strongly avoided the vicinity of a newly built, side-fenced high-speed railway in an quiet mountainous area. These species also refused to use underpasses and flyovers large enough for their body size. The railway likely reduced the movement of wild ungulates, and passages specifically designed for this group are needed to avoid the barrier effect. The response of other terrestrial vertebrate groups (carnivores, lagomorphs, small mammals, and reptiles) to the railway was unknown but all of them used regularly culverts and pathway passages, suggesting that possible barrier effects exerted by the infrastructure might be highly reduced. Crossing rates of these vertebrate groups through non-wildlife passages were not altered by fencing the railway sides, further indicating that there was not an important barrier effect. Success of passages as crossing facilities for vertebrates depends mainly on their location in the suitable habitat of target species and then on appropriate design of passages and surrounding areas. The frequency of usage of different passages also reflected microhabitat preferences. The use of culverts, underpasses and flyovers by carnivores was favoured by the presence of vegetation cover in their entrances. Small mammals preferred culverts with small cross-sections, probably because they can move through them protected from aerial predators. Reptiles used mainly underpasses of intermediate size which allow them to thermoregulate by using vertical surfaces, either sun-warmed or shaded. Palabras clave: Avoidance, Barrier, Culvert, Deer, Fauna passage, Fence, Habitat, High-speed railway line, Mammal, Overpass, Reptile, Underpass, Ungulate, Vegetation, Vertebrate

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  1. Journal of Applied Ecology. Vol. 33
  2. pags. 1527-1540
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Nombre del autor Rodríguez, A., Crema, G. y Delibes, M.
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