Flight doesn’t solve everything. Mitigation of road impacts on birds.

Kociolek, A., Grilo, C. y Jacobson, S. Flight doesn’t solve everything. Mitigation of road impacts on birds. Handbook of Road Ecology. [s.l.]: Wiley-Blackwell. 2015, Vol. 33, pags. 281-289. DOI 10.1002/9781118568170.ch33

Roads and traffic are typically more of a threat to the conservation of birds rather than a safety issue for motorists. Some bird species have biological features and life history traits that make them particularly vulnerable to habitat loss from roads and mortality due to wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVC). Road planning that proactively considers the biological needs of birds will help avoid project delays and extra costs for mitigation, as well as achieve positive outcomes for birds. Several strategies effectively avoid or mitigate the negative effects of roads on birds. 1) Roads can adversely affect birds despite the common assumption that birds avoid mortality and barrier effects because they can fly. 2) Wildlife-vehicle collisions kill millions of birds annually. 3) Planning the timing and location of road construction and maintenance is crucial for the survival and conservation of birds. 4) Flight diverters may reduce the likelihood of vehicle collisions with birds. 5) Wildlife crossing structures can decrease the barrier effect. 6) Structural changes along roads can reduce noise impacts. 7) Roadsides should be managed to make them less attractive to birds.Implementing design features that separate birds from traffic, reducing resources that attract birds to the roadway and minimising disruptive light and noise emanating from the roadway are the main mitigation measures for birds. However, more research is needed to quantify the various effects of roads and the cumulative effect of road networks on birds and, perhaps more critically, to explore ways to prioritise and effectively mitigate the most negative impacts.

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Fecha de creación 17-09-2024
Fecha de última modificación 17-09-2024
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  1. Handbook of Road Ecology. Vol. 33
  2. pags. 281-289
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Nombre del autor Kociolek, A., Grilo, C. y Jacobson, S.
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