Mitigation measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity.

Grilo, C., Bissonette, J. A. y Cramer, P. C. Mitigation measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity. Highways: Construction, Management, and Maintenance. [s.l.]: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2010, pags. 73-114. ISSN 978-1-61728-862-3

Roads and traffic impact wildlife in a variety of ways. In some animal populations, they enhance mortality, limit mobility, fragment populations, and decrease habitat amount and quality, resulting in a limitation on food, shelter, and space availability, all fundamental to species‘ survival. Those impacts and associated mitigations are becoming a major focus of research in conservation, namely in significant and emerging fields such as landscape and road ecology. In this chapter, we describe the main effects of roads on terrestrial vertebrates as well as a variety of mitigation measures that have been widely used for different taxa: crossing structures, dry ledges, fencing, right-of-way escape ramps and noise barriers. Because some species have similar needs and respond in the same way to mitigation measures, specific design standards are provided for five wildlife functional groups: 1) amphibians and riparian reptiles, 2) upland reptiles, 3) birds and bats, 4) small- and meso-sized mammals and 5) large mammals. We discuss methods to evaluate crossing efficiency and several important directions for future research in this area will be suggested.

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Tipo de recurso Texto
Fecha de creación 17-09-2024
Fecha de última modificación 17-09-2024
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Identificador de los metadatos a7b8e3c3-38cb-52ce-90eb-9ea8ee01b10e
Idioma de los metadatos Español
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Categoría del conjunto de alto valor (HVD)
Categoría temática ISO 19115
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Identificador geográfico España
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Extensión espacial
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
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Perfil de Metadatos
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Frecuencia de actualización
  1. Highways: Construction
  2. Management
  3. and Maintenance
  4. pags. 73-114
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Cobertura temporal (Fin)
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Parte responsable
Nombre del autor Grilo, C., Bissonette, J. A. y Cramer, P. C.
Nombre del mantenedor
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Email del autor
Web del autor
Identificador del mantenedor
Email del mantenedor
Web del mantenedor