The complexity of studying coasts: From forms and processes to management

Coastal environments are characterized by their high dynamism, related to the interaction between marine agents (winds, waves, currents, sea level changes) and continental forms and processes. The present article summarizes the main morphodynamic characteristics of coasts and the resulting environments. Different oscillations of the sea level are considered, depending on their amplitude and frequency: rapid eustatic fluctuations, energetic tsunamis, storm waves and surges, tides and good weather wind waves. Coastal environments are classified in low, sedimentary coasts, including beaches, dunes, barrier islands, lagoons, salt marshes and river mouths, and high, rocky coasts. Management of coastal zones needs a deep knowledge of all the processes involved at the littoral, especially at the local scale, since coastal processes vary rapidly alongshore. At present the integrated coastal management intends to involve different socioeconomic sectors interested in the occupation and use of coasts. Coastal management must include the adaptation of human activities to the natural processes and associated coastal hazards and the protection of coastal values, both of natural and historical-cultural character. Public administrations at different levels should consider the knowledge of the coastal processes at different scales and their potential interaction with human activities in order to design laws and regulations accordingly.

Datos y Recursos

Este conjunto de datos no tiene datos


Información básica
Tipo de recurso Texto
Fecha de creación 17-09-2024
Fecha de última modificación 17-09-2024
Mostrar histórico de cambios
Identificador de los metadatos 56b296d8-2171-52a7-9f69-5a405ebd7087
Idioma de los metadatos Español
Temáticas (NTI-RISP)
Categoría del conjunto de alto valor (HVD)
Categoría temática ISO 19115
Identificador alternativo DOI 10.18172/cig.5451
URI de palabras clave
Codificación UTF-8
Información espacial
Identificador geográfico Murcia
Sistema de Referencia de Coordenadas
Tipo de representación espacial
Extensión espacial
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-2.34, 37.38], [-0.69, 37.38], [-0.69, 38.76], [-2.34, 38.76], [-2.34, 37.38]]]}"
Resolución espacial del dataset (m)
Declaración de linaje
Perfil de Metadatos
Conjunto de datos de origen
Frecuencia de actualización
  1. Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters
  2. Núm. 48
  3. 219-255
Pasos del proceso
Cobertura temporal (Inicio)
Cobertura temporal (Fin)
Notas sobre la versión
Vigencia del conjunto de datos
Parte responsable
Nombre del autor Gracia Prieto, F.J.
Nombre del mantenedor
Identificador del autor
Email del autor
Web del autor
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Email del mantenedor
Web del mantenedor