Validation data is needed to support modelling in road ecology.

Ascensão, F., D'Amico, M. y Barrientos, R. Validation data is needed to support modelling in road ecology. Biological Conservation. [s.l.]: Elsevier BV. 2019, Vol. 230, pags. 199-200. DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.12.023

Roads and other linear transportation infrastructures are among the most ubiquitous human-made features on the globe, causing several pernicious negative effects on biodiversity including mortality due to collisions and acting as barriers to animal movement and gene flow. While there are several studies describing such negative effects in a large collection of species, very few attempted to quantify the consequences of such impacts on the biodiversity, in particular in population persistence. Recently, BC published an interesting exercise by Pinto et al.(2018) aiming to assess the relative role of habitat fragmentation and additional mortality due to collisions with vehicles on population viability of giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in Brazil. The work is based on the theoretical models developed by Bordade-Água et al.(2011), which aim to provide minimum patch size (Pmin) and critical road density (Dmax) threshold values for species persistence. This is a value information for assisting on planning ecologically sustainable road networks, particularly in times when a massive expansion of transportation infrastructures is foreseen (Meijer et al., 2018), with potential dramatic consequences for biodiversity. However, and this is our main point, such a modeling exercise lacks a validation procedure to inform the accuracy and robustness of the transferability of the theoretical models developed by Borda-de-Água et al.(2011) when applied to this specific system. Recently, Ceia-Hasse et al.(2017) presented a modelling study aimed to assess the effects of transportation infrastructures on carnivore population persistence at the global scale. Although …

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  1. Biological Conservation. Vol. 230
  2. pags. 199-200
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Nombre del autor Ascensão, F., D'Amico, M. y Barrientos, R.
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