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Where can I find information about the Natura 2000 Network?
All information about this European ecological network of biodiversity conservation areas is available in the thematic section of Red Natura 2000 .

Where can I find information about protected natural areas?
The management of protected natural spaces is a regional competence, so if you need detailed information about any space, you must go to the information service of the autonomous community in question. However, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge makes general information about protected spaces available, also offering the possibility of downloading cartography on the following page .

Can I download cartographic information on biodiversity?
Of course. You can access biodiversity information downloads through the Nature Data Bank section. In it you will find cartography in vector format for use in a geographic information system (GvSIG, ArcGIS, etc...) or static maps in pdf format for incorporation into documents. All vector information is accompanied by its respective metadata. This information is continually updated, ensuring that it is the latest version available. You can also access downloadable information from the Biodiversity section, as well as the rest of the Ministry's information through the Cartography and GIS section.

Do you have data visualization services?
In the Nature Data Bank section, we put at your disposal the set of WMS services related to Biodiversdiad so that you can use them in your geographic information system or so that you can call them from an application. These services can be accessed visually from the Nature Data Bank Cartographic Viewer . From the Cartography and GIS section you can also access the WMS services as well as the metadata catalog.