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PROTECTED SPACES are those terrestrial or marine areas that, in recognition of their outstanding natural values, are specifically dedicated to the conservation of nature and are therefore subject to a special legal regime for their protection.

Protected spaces play a fundamental role in the conservation of ecosystems and therefore for the survival of species, the maintenance of ecological processes and the provision of ecosystem goods and services.

In conjunction with their declaration and in order to articulate in situ conservation actions, protected spaces are integrated both in territorial planning and in land use and natural resource management policies , and ecological networks are established that connect functionally.

At the international level, its current technical and regulatory framework responds to this new global paradigm.

In Spain, protected areas are defined and regulated on a basic basis by Law 42/2007, of December 13, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity , and are grouped according to their respective legal frameworks of origin:

  • Natural Protected Areas.
  • Natura 2000 Network protected spaces.
  • Areas protected by international instruments.
  • Other protection zones.

The DECLARATION, PLANNING and MANAGEMENT of protected spaces located in marine areas under national sovereignty or jurisdiction, where there is no ecological continuity of the marine ecosystem with a terrestrial natural space subject to protection is the responsibility of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge ; However, this competence corresponds to the Autonomous Communities in the case of protected spaces located in the territorial area, as well as in marine waters when, for the latter, such ecological continuity exists, supported by the best existing scientific evidence.


Conservation status and threat of wild species. Six-year reports of the Habitat and Birds Directives, Preliminary ecological bases, Atlas of species, Red Books