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Forest Map of Spain

The Forest Map of Spain (MFE) is the basic forest cartography at the state level, the basis of the National Forest Inventory, which collects the distribution, trends and evolution of Spanish forest ecosystems.

The MFE is an ongoing project that periodically covers the Spanish geography, evaluating the state and trends of forest ecosystems with a work methodology based on photointerpretation on high-resolution orthophotos with field verifications. With a lower periodicity, a study of the changes, mainly anthropic, called 'MFE Still Photo', is carried out on a reference date, to obtain a vision of the changes that have occurred in Spain due to vegetation losses (fires, felling, deforestation). or by vegetation gains (PAC afforestation, repopulation, post-fire evolution, post-cutting evolution). The 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018 editions of Foto Fija are now available.

The main objectives of this Still Photo are to have an updated Forest Map with the main changes in use of forest surfaces as of a reference date.

To know more: Forest map (