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Forest damage

The Level I and II Forest Damage Networks provide information on the state of health and vitality of the forests, on the impact of pollution and climate change on the main Spanish tree formations, as well as on the relationship between different stress factors. that act on the forest ecosystem and the water and nutrient balance.

Specifically, the Level I Network collects the information obtained from a periodic balance on the variation in the state of the forests both in space and time, and the Level II Network collects the result of the analysis of the relationships between the state of vitality of forest ecosystems and stress factors through intensive and continuous monitoring of forest ecosystems. The Network is sampled annually and each year the results corresponding to the previous year's campaign are published on the website.

The results show that the general state of the trees is experiencing a process of decline, decreasing the percentage of healthy trees, with the majority being damages associated with abiotic causes, mainly damages attributed to drought (IEPNB Sexennial Report 2020).

To know more: Forest damage The European Forest Monitoring Networks (Level I and Level II) (