Estudio bionómico de la nutria (Lutra lutra L., 1758) en aguas continentales de la Península Ibérica.

Causes of death of 54 otters in the NE of Iberian Peninsula were investigated. Data referred to two periods: 1950-1980 and 1981-1993. Road casualties represented 16.7% of total. The author argues that reservoirs, especially those whose water level suffers broad fluctuations, cause a drastic reduction in habitat quality for the otter by avoiding the restablishment of vegetation cover (used as refuge and breeding dens) in the shores. Accordingly, the density of otter signs along reservoir shores is 30 times lower than along river banks.

Se investigaron las causas de mortalidad de 54 nutrias en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Los datos se refieren a dos períodos: 1950-1980 y 1981-1993. Los atropellos constituyeron el 16,7% del total. El autor argumenta que los emblases, especialmente aquellos donde el nivel del agua fluctua de manera importante, provocan una reducción drástica en la calidad del hábitat de la nutria, ya que evitan el establecemiento de la cobertura vegetal (utilizada como refugio y para las madrigueras de las nutrias) en las orillas. Como consecuencia, la densidad de rastros de nutria en las orillas de los embalses fue 30 veces menor que en las de los ríos.

Data and Resources


Basic information
Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-09-17
Date of last revision 2024-09-17
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Metadata identifier 2287a8e7-0915-5c52-b103-275d4d500bd0
Metadata language Spanish
Themes (NTI-RISP)
High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
Other identifier
Keyword URIs
Character encoding UTF-8
Spatial information
Geographic identifier Spain
Coordinate Reference System
Spatial representation Type
Bounding Box
"{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[-18.16, 27.64], [4.32, 27.64], [4.32, 43.79], [-18.16, 43.79], [-18.16, 27.64]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m)
Lineage statement
Metadata Standard
Source dataset
Update frequency
  1. Ph.D. Thesis
Process steps
Temporal extent (Start)
Temporal extent (End)
Version notes
Dataset validity
Responsible Party
Name of the dataset creator Ruiz-Olmo, J.
Name of the dataset maintainer
Identifier of the dataset creator
Email of the dataset creator
Website of the dataset creator
Identifier of the dataset maintainer
Email of the dataset maintainer
Website of the dataset maintainer