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Species tracking

Within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and within Component 4 “Conservation and restoration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and their biodiversity”, the General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification of MITECO has launched a monitoring system and knowledge management, on a national scale in the terrestrial and marine areas.

This system includes the improvement and acquisition of knowledge of species and habitats and a digital platform, for which actions will be carried out to monitor wild species and habitats, highlighting among them the Program to improve knowledge of flora in Spain ; the Program to improve knowledge of pollinators in Spain; The Design, establishment and execution of a program to improve knowledge of marine biodiversity in Spain; the Program to improve knowledge of wildlife in Spain (terrestrial fauna, seabirds: catalog species and invasive species), and the Preparation of homogeneous and updated state-level cartography of the types of natural and semi-natural habitats in Spain.

In the development of these actions, and with the aim of achieving modern biodiversity management, the digitalization of the generation, processing and dissemination of scientific data and environmental management indicators will be carried out, integration of flexible adaptation mechanisms to the scenarios offered by scientific models, modernization when using digital tools, the development of monitoring applications, etc.

At the same time, the General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification will have an Integrated Information System, which will allow structured, normalized and interoperable data collection for all elements of the system, from which it will be exploited, analyzed, obtained results, as well as all derived products that are necessary for compliance with legal obligations regarding biodiversity conservation, assistance in decision-making and the dissemination of information.