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Livestock Route Network

Livestock routes are routes or itineraries along which livestock transit runs or has traditionally flowed” (Art. 1.2 of Law 3/1995). They are public domain assets of the autonomous communities and, consequently, inalienable, imprescriptible and cannot be seized.

In general terms, they are called ravines, cordeles and paths, ravines being those roads whose width does not exceed 75 meters; the cords that exceed us 37.5 meters; and sidewalks are roads that have a width of no more than 20 meters.

The National Network of Livestock Routes includes all the cattle routes and those other livestock routes that guarantee their continuity, provided that their itinerary runs between two or more autonomous communities and also the livestock routes that serve as a link for livestock movements. interborder character.

The General Network of Livestock Routes (RGVP) includes the set of livestock routes that have been declared by a classification act and that have been subject to demarcation, with a common data model at a standardized national level.